What is Corporate SEO ? Details and Solutions
Corporate SEO or Business SEO requires high responsibility, inter-team communication and planning. When SEOs perform …
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This seemingly innocent topic, is the source of an infinite argument among digital marketing experts.
Some argue that landing pages are strictly for promotional and advertising purposes and that traffic should be driven to them by marketing campaigns (not by organic search, where SEO is an important factor).
Opponents of the first approach say that SEO can improve the performance of landing pages and make it easier for you to attract new customers if you optimize your site.
So who is right and where is the truth?
As we will try to explain in this article, not every landing page needs to be SEO-friendly. However, if you plan to use your page in a long-term campaign or during a specific season (like winter holidays), you should definitely consider SEO.
Now let’s move on to the best SEO approaches to make a compatible landing page. What should you focus on if you decide to make your landing page SEO-friendly?
Before you start implementing SEO best approaches for your landing page, you first need to figure out which keywords will be most valuable and relevant.
First, try to find words that most accurately describe your landing page and its content, then write down a few suffixes of these words. Also, before going straight to a keyword finder tool to find the suffixes, try Googling them yourself.
Once you have done this, you will see which websites already match these keywords and what the articles published in there are about. This is a good way to not only check what your competitors are focusing on, but also to easily get new ideas for keywords that you can utilize.
Moreover, when you type your ideas once, the search engine SERP will give you a short list of similar phrases (depending on what Internet users are searching for). These suggestions can also give you ideas and help you discover more powerful keywords to use.
Now use a keyword finder tool and check the keywords listed. You will get more suggestions and verify the effectiveness of each of them.
When you finish analyzing the results you should decide on the most suitable keywords. Choose the primary ones and a few suffixes that will support the main keyword and the main statement . You should use these keywords in the title of the article, in the description, in the landing page text, and even in the image captions. Make a well-thought-out decision so that you don’t have to deal with placing the keyword in your text later.
According to Interactive Marketing Inc, “you only have 8 seconds to make an impression on a landing page”. Therefore, you need to use these 8 seconds in the best way and grab your visitors’ attention instantly.
Write a strong and eye-catching title using your main keyword (and the suffixes if possible). It’s easier said than done, but when the title is interesting and when we make it magical as the rabbit magic hat , you can easily attract visitors to read more.
Because the main purpose of a title is to explain what the landing page is about, and because sometimes it can be more useful to use less promising additional keywords, remember to stick it with the main keyword.
Titles are given special consideration by search engines. In other words, it will benefit you to use your main keyword in the title as it will easily attract the most valuable organic traffic to the landing page.
A pro tip is to always place the title in the H1 HTML tag and remember that a site = one primary title.
When it comes to the description, it should work as a detailed extension of your title and consist of both the main keyword and its suffixes.
Images are an integral part of every landing page as they guarantee that it is visually stunning and attractive to users. Therefore, they should also be SEO-friendly.
In general, search engines have difficulty recognizing images, so try to help them by adding sub-attributes of the IMG HTML tag. These tags should describe what a particular image represents and serve as a tag for each image on the landing page. In this case, it is also recommended to include your main keyword in the tag if possible.
Your landing page URL should contain a strong keyword to be attractive to search engines.
When you put your main keywords or attachments in the URL, you can give the search engines an additional reason to rank you higher.
Nevertheless, try not to make it too long or spammy, as this can lead to a bad user experience.
The main function of landing page text is to enforce action. Therefore, it should be user-oriented and informative, it is also advisable to include your primary and additional keywords in the text.
Spreading your keywords in your text will make it look better. Bots (spiders) may not be able to understand the concepts and ideas behind the text, but they will take into account the words you use to take action. Therefore, by including your primary and additional keywords in the text, you give the bots a small clue as to who they should direct to your landing page, as this will make it easier to reach people who might be interested in your offer.
SEO-friendly landing page design is all about implementing a hierarchical structure. For sure H1 is the most important , but you can also use H2 and even H3 and title-specific sections accordingly. Even though H1 is the most important, H2 and H3 are also important for search engines. Try to design your landing page in a way that allows you to divide it into logical sections with headings of all types.
Don’t lose sight of the fact that social media affects SEO optimization, so you should make your landing page content shareable and encourage your visitors to share it.
In addition to creating interesting and meaningful content, you should also make it easy to share by adding appropriate buttons and placing them in visible places.
Once people share your landing page on their social media, you have a chance to improve your promotional performance and reach a wider audience.
Nobody really knows what factors search engines take into account when ranking results. However, Google’s algorithms are said to put search intent ahead of other factors.
To ensure that the right users find the right content, it is often recommended to use less searched but more relevant keywords. You shouldn’t lock yourself into what you hear. When it is so general it means that the one who is searching will find a lot of results which is what we don’t want, so it is better to target more niche-like keywords.
It is important to use the main keyword in the title, URL and in the landing page text. It is even more important to make your landing page unique and user-friendly.
A significant number of business owners are determined to make their websites only SEO-friendly, which they do without caring, and this makes the result quite ordinary and fake. Use keywords wisely and remember that the end users viewing your landing page could soon become your potential customers. And you should offer them a friendly looking landing page, not just a landing page full of keywords.
As you can see, SEO tips for landing pages are quite similar to best practices for other websites. It is very important to be well structured, use strong keywords and not forget about the users. With all this in mind, you will be able to create an SEO-friendly landing page and significantly improve its performance.
If you want to learn more about SEO, you can check our content on SEO on Digipeak blog.
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